januari 17, 2011


Hi what do you expect from a third world country like Malaysia?

Most have a policy (like Thailand) of "f off foreigners just leave you cash and go"

Its called pride. "Doing it all ourselves"

Malaysia even tried to build its own car industry and came up with the "National Joke" Proton. Thats pride gone mad. Thais build cars but other people designs and brands so they bring in jobs but dont make fooks of themselves. But they have more self-pride as never colonised

As for job hunting though you know how it is. No serious job is given "at random" to those that apply

Order in which "senior" or good jobs given too

- directors children
- royal family
- ministers families
- children/in-laws of Tan Sris
- children/in-laws of diresctors of other companies
- children/in-laws of Datuks

etc etc

Even lower jobs are given not on merit. Secretarial jobs are given to wives of managers/directors. Usulaly they come in for 2 hours a day to strut around and shout and "lower people"

Malaysisa is a feudal society which until relatively recently was all Kampungs with the local tribal leaders and a hiearchy going upto the Sultan.

After all these VIP's are given "good" jobs whats left for bright locals without connections? not much!

And for exapats? get real

There are lots of the big consultancies around as half of the above are retards so a westerner/singaporean/asian expat has to eb employed as a consultant to help them do their jobs

example is YTL. Met one of the owners son on some business discussion (I had some contacts). He cant take a piss without his Matt Sallehs conultants say so! prob has to hold it for him

Malaysia will not become a more productive society until merit becomes more important than connections!
Read an interesting book while back here on holiday - written by a Malay but very critical of Islam and Malaysia. Many of his points I do agree with especially how in "
failed states" work is considered a low thing. That really sums up Malaysian work practices. Work (hard) is considered a low thing. That is very feudal

That is why the likes of Petronas (critical businesses) has to employ expats as locals afraid of hard work (well the high ones are as its "a low thing"). expats are more productive as we have the "protestant work ethic". The higher you are (especially Malays) the less work you "should do". status = less work!

The proactivity, open mindness, adventurous spirit, challenging the business, openly challenging the boss, daring to be different. In a local? Dream on. Dinamic business need dinamic people. And the only dinamysm I see on the large scale in malaysia is on the highways (left and right). Not in the multinational and not family owned business.